Welcome Home: Better Life Home FAQs

As of July 8th, 2024, Regal Cleaning is now part of Better Life Home Cleaning. We are so excited to continue the excellent service you have come to expect from Regal Cleaning. While most things will remain the same, including your cleaning day, cleaning team, and price, we did want to put together an FAQ of what you can expect and what might be a little different.

Will I continue to have the same team member clean my home?

We will do our best to provide continuity of service. All Regal Cleaning employees were offered an employment package that included higher wages with full benefits, and our goal is to provide you and all of them a consistent schedule. We will set them as your preferred technician and will do our absolute best to ensure you are scheduled with them. However, our techs will have up to 17 paid days off per year to rest and recharge. If your tech chooses to take time off, you will not be notified of the change, but you can expect them to return as soon as they are available! Keeping your cleaning day when your technician has Paid Time off is important to allow them to have a consistent schedule they can count on. We promise our great team members will give you a consistently delightful cleaning experience even when your regularly scheduled tech takes a much-deserved day off.

Will my price remain the same?

Yes. We are leaving all pricing the same for the first few months. If there is a price discrepancy between Regal Cleanings pricing and ours, we are providing a discount against our pricing. For example. If Regal’s price is $150 and ours would be $160 for a similar level of service, you will see your total bill be $160 with a $10 discount. We are doing this because our techs are paid a fee split or percentage of the job, so we want to pay them at a higher rate while giving you the same price you had before.

My invoice looks different. Why is there a higher base price?

Your final price is the same as before, but we put you in our system at our pricing, and then applied a discount if necessary to get you at the same price you had with Regal Cleaning. We did that so all the technicians who clean your home will be paid based on our pricing, even if it was slightly lower before. If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to ask.

Why do I need to update my credit card?

We cannot keep the prior credit card system during the merger. We need to collect new cards and update them securely in our system.

Why should I stay with Better Life versus find someone else now?

Better Life is still a local, family-owned residential cleaning service. We are hiring all of the Regal Team members that you have grown to trust, and by keeping your service with us, you are still supporting the Regal team.

We can provide higher wages and benefits to our team members without being more expensive. Our main formula for success is Better Jobs=Better Service. 

We have tools to manage the quality and consistency of your service, which should keep your service at or above the quality standards you are used to. We also have easy-to-use tools, like a customer portal, that allow you to manage your account 24/7. We know change is not always seen as a good thing, but give us a chance, and we hope that you will love your Better Life cleaning techs and the experience of working with us.

Do I need to sign up for your customer portal?

No. But it does make managing your account very easy. You can do a lot there, including seeing upcoming visits, rating completed visits, updating payment methods, and making scheduling requests.

I currently pay by check. Can I still do so?

That is one thing that does need to change. It is not secure to have our technicians carrying live checks. All checks have all of your banking information on them, and there are generally no protections for lost or stolen checks. Credit cards are more secure and have financial protection from the banks. We don’t charge anything extra to use a card. If you must pay by check, you can mail a check to our office, but you must do so before your visit.

Will I still get my upgraded cleaning after every 12 months of service?

We do not have a way to track this in our software. Instead we do something called a rotational deep cleaning. Instead of doing it all at once we will focus on one room per visit and deep clean the area. If you have a specific area that you would like deep cleaned feel free to let us know and they can focus on that area on that visit.

I currently provide my own cleaning supplies, can I continue to do so?

No. We will provide everything necessary to clean your home from top to bottom. We also bring all the sanitized tools, laundered cleaning cloths and mops, and 4-stage HEPA filtration vacuums. We bring everything needed to clean your home green from top to bottom. Better Life Maids is all about making your life easier, greener, and cleaner. That’s why we take care of all the little details for you. By using our own cleaning supplies, tools, and solutions, we can provide you with a more competitive price and ensure the safety and beauty of your home. We cannot use any other cleaning chemicals or solutions than those we provide for safety and liability reasons.

Will my schedule stay the same?

Your service day will stay the same unless you request to change it. For the time of your cleaning, we have two main arrival windows. Our first appointment of the day has an arrival window between 8:30-9:30. Our second appointment has an arrival window of 10-2, and it really depends on when your technician finishes their first appointment. We can note your preferences as far as your time, but the only guaranteed time we can provide is the first appointment of the day.

Letter From The Founder of Regal Cleaning

I want to share some exciting news with you—Regal Cleaning is now proudly powered by Better Life Maids!

First and foremost, I want to say a heartfelt thank you for your unwavering support and trust in Regal Cleaning throughout our journey together. Your loyalty means the world to me, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve you and your families.

With this transition to Better Life Maids, we’re thrilled to share a few details that we believe will reassure you of a continued consistent and reliable service:

  1. Price Stability: Better Life Maids is committed to keeping your current pricing unchanged for the first three months or more. We understand that financial predictability is important to you, and we want to ensure a seamless transition without any unexpected changes.
  2. Personalized Care: Your preferences matter greatly to us. Better Life Maids will diligently gather and honor all your service preferences. They are dedicated to scheduling appointments that align perfectly with your needs, ensuring a seamless, personalized experience.
  3. Account Activation: In the coming days, Better Life Maids will email you inviting you to activate your account. Please take a moment to update your payment details to ensure uninterrupted service.
  4. Continuity of Care: We are pleased to inform you that all current employees and technicians of Regal Cleaning have been extended a generous offer to continue their roles with Better Life Maids. Reagan will continue to be the face behind your day to day communication, and you can expect the same familiar faces and outstanding service you’ve come to know and trust.

As we embark on this new chapter with Better Life Maids, please know that our commitment to care, excellence and dedication to you and your homes remain as strong as ever. Your homes are not just places we clean—they are where memories are made, and we are honored to continue being a part of that.

Thank you once again for choosing Regal Cleaning, now powered by Better Life Maids. If you have any questions or simply want to chat about this transition, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here for you every step of the way.

Stacey Family – Owner of Regal Cleaning Services


Stacey Blank

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Matt Ricketts